woensdag 2 februari 2011

Bericht uit Egypte

Via de nieuwsbrief van 'global to local' ontving ik het volgende bericht. Ik help graag het verder te verspreiden.
Het bericht komt van Azza Soliman, General Director van het Centre for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance

Dear Friends

This is Azza from Egypt. I'm writing you this letter after the Internet connection has been finally restored and after Mubarak's regime has isolated a whole country from the rest of the world. This feels now like a breakthrough.

I want to inform you all that President Mubarak has betrayed his country. He insists on staying in power even if it costs the lives and blood of the Egyptian people.
He has betrayed Egypt through through spreading chaos and havoc for more than 48 hours at the time when police forces dissapeared and thugs and looters were to terrorize and intimidate the people.

Today Mubarak insists on staying in power with the cost of the blood spilling of Egyptians , through employing secret riot police, thoughs, leaders from his national party and have them attack the protestors who are asking for the resignation of the president, the transfer of governance in a peaceful manner and the constitutional reforms. We know that Mubraka gave clear instructions to leading figures in his national party to release thugs and looters even on horses and camels to attack the protesters.All this guarantees Mubarak's betrayal of our homeland.

Dear sisters and brothers, I urge you to help me expose the Egyptian regime and the American regime which is complicit in slaining Egypt.Both regimes continue in slaining universal human rights principles.

I also want you to know that during the past demonstrations not once has there been an Islamic slogan. None of the opposition leaders would attribute this revolution to himself as we witness a popular uprising by the youth of Egypt, which are regular citizens oppressed by Mubarak's regime for 30 years.
They are aware and are confident in putting together the national coalition to reform the Egyptian constitution and uphold the principles of citizenship and establish a civil state in Egypt.

Azza Soliman from Egypt

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